I care about cookies! Using Consent-O-Matic extension

Okay, this is a short one. Think of it as a PSA.

Several months ago someone (sadly I lost the original post) posted on fedi about a web browser extension that takes care of cookie requests on websites. I (like many others) hate how annoying and ubiquitous these popups are. Some people just accept all cookies (or use extensions that automatically accept them) others painstakingly uncheck all options (especially if there isn't an easy "reject all" option - something that should be legally required, in my opinion). Consent-O-Matic is a great extension by people from Aarhus University that automatically fills out these forms for you according to your settings (in my case it's essentially "reject everything you can").

Screnshot of Consent-O-Magic showing portion of available settings: Information Storage and Accces, Prefrences and Functionality, Performance and Analytics. There's more if you scroll down.
Screenshot from extension's addons.mozilla.org page

You can set up the extension so it rejects things like "Preferences and Functionality", "Performance and Analytics", "Ad selection, delivery, and reporting", and others. It gets rules how to deal with the popups from project's github by defualt, but you can easily also add your own (it even has a drag-n-drop rule editor!) or third-party rules. You can also choose whether you want the popup to move (in much smaller form) to a corner or hide completely. I personally prefer to have it moved to the corner. Not only it makes me feel good seeing it work, it also lets me know another website is trying to get my consent again.

Lastly, if the extension can't handle some popup, you're able to report it, so new rules how to deal with it can be created. This hasn't really happened to me in a long time, though.

You can easily add Consent-O-Matic to your Firefox from addons.mozilla.org (direct link). And now it works in mobile version of Firefox, too.

Thank you, whoever posted about this several months ago (if you have any idea who it could be, please let me know. I'd like to link to their original post), you really saved me from all the cookie popups.

Note: I might add more screenshots of the extension later.

see you, space cowboy

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